Friday, 7 January 2011

Magazine Idea Pitch


  1. i really like your idea, i think it's creative and will appeal to your specific target audience well!

  2. I really like the name of your magazine because it works well as it is related to music, I like that you will be including handwriting font into your magazine which I think will work well.

  3. Your target audience is realistic and i like that you plan on going against conventions using pink on your cover, even though it is a multi-gender audience. I also like the idea of keeping the magazine simple, I think it will make it more attractive.

  4. The colour palettes are nice, though they may not fit the genre very well. That's the problem generally with using the "indie" genre, because the people that tend to call themselves that have various elements of other genres incorporated, which can result in showing them in a fairly wrong light if you were to present them in the wrong colour scheme.

    But what do I know about colours, I'm colourblind.

  5. I think all the traits of the magazine fit together really well! I like the name of the magazine too, soundsl like good ideas.

  6. I like the creative fonts, and the specific target audience is quite alternative and should work, a real good idea.
