Friday, 11 February 2011

Draft Contents Page 2 - Improved.

Yet again I haven't made many chnges, but the little things seem to have improved it greatly. Firstly, and most obviously, I have added a bigger picture of my cover star so as to draw attention to her and make my contents more interesting and diverse. I have also set my black and white photos to the left insetad of the right, which makes it look much more professional- along wth leaving a small gap on the right the same size as my lines of colour on the left so it doesn't break up the page. I've also changed the fonts to ones more fitting with my magazine's theme and broken the articles up with subheadings to make it easier to navigate around and to read.

1 comment:

  1. I like the texture background, it's different and really works. I like the layouts of the pictures they create a good structure at the top and the other one really draws the eye which is good because its the main image. You've used quite a few fonts through out the pages which maybe you could consider making them the same because it will add to the professionalism.
